I help people become better (& happier runners).

My Coaching Story

When the pandemic hit and gyms closed, many of my athletes started looking for something beyond going to the gym to exercise. With my background in running and my certification as a Personal Trainer, people turned to me for running advice. And just like that, my journey as a running coach began.

Realizing that I needed to up my game, I reinvested all the profits from my first year into furthering my education. Enrolling in additional courses deepened my knowledge and improved the support I provide to my athletes today.

While my coaching services are entirely online, the quality remains uncompromised. In fact, it’s enhanced. My athletes benefit from the flexibility of not being limited by geographical constraints and receive daily feedback on their training.

Beyond improving race times and increasing mileage, my mission is centered on helping people become better (& happier runners) through personalised training plans, expert guidance, and a focus on the athlete.

I want to see each and every one of my athletes succeed. Their journey is my passion, and their success is my greatest reward.

My Certifications

  • EREPS level 3 Trainer
  • Sport Physiologie for Endurance Athletes
  • Analysing Running Technique & Running Re-education 
  • Mental Skills training for Sport and Health 
  • SAQ and Plyometric training 
  • Nutrition for Sports Performance 
  • Currently doing: Running Gait Specialisation Level I & II

My Personal Running Story

My running journey began with one of those “start to run” programs, but I never actually made it past week 7. Then, during a holiday run, I ended up getting lost on my track and wound up running 7km unexpectedly.

I discovered that I enjoy pushing my boundaries and that no challenge is too big if you believe in yourself and enjoy the ride. Of course, I had my fair share of setbacks with a few injuries along the way. But that’s when I really grasped the importance of alternative training and having a dynamic approach.

Fast forward to now, I’ve traded road races for mountain trails. There’s just something about the freedom and exhilaration of being outdoors, pushing my limits, and reaching new heights that keeps me coming back for more.

My Race Results

Are you ready to turn your running dreams into reality? 

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