The new year is getting closer and with that comes the undeniable question: what’s your goal for next year?
If you don’t know where to start, then this is the blog you need to read. Lets dive in!
(I have also made a Youtube video about this topic)
The highs & the lows
The first step in finding goals for the coming year is to look back at the past months. Be honest to yourself and write down things that went well, but also things that weren’t that nice.
For me personally I noticed that going downhill was my weakness and therefore I started focusing more on this. I also noticed that I really need to incorporate sufficient strength training into my sessions, because if I don’t do this I become very vulnerable to injuries.
Reachable goals
Once you know these, focus on the good things. Look for similar events that will happen next year. Doing the same events again will put expectations into your head and nothing makes you faster disappointed than expectations that aren’t fulfilled.
Are you a starting runner and haven’t really participated in any events? Then ask around 😃 surely you know a few other runners. And if this is not the case, then there is always Google.
Look for events in your country and gather together a whole support group. Or turn it into a nice weekend getaway. Guaranteed fun!

Going the extra mile
Or do you feel like you want to do something extra badass in 2023?
I am not saying you shouldn’t do that (I even highly encourage you to do so!), but to not dive headfirst into an adventure, take your list of things that didn’t go as planned during 2022 next to you.
Did you have some injuries? What were the reasons? How could you avoid them?
Be honest. For example, if you got injured because of overtraining you know that your build-up needs to go slowly.
Does this mean you can’t sign-up for something crazy? NO! It just means that you need to put a little bit more thought into planning it 😉
Make yourself accountable
Now that you have established your goals for next year, it’s time to let the world know. Tell your friends and family about your goals. Or write it on a note and stick it on a place your frequently pass.
You will be reminded about it (by seeing the note or your friends/ family asking you about it) and that way you will feel mentally more ‘obliged’ to also train for it.
Really, I am not making this one up 🤪
So go give it a try and if you have more tips that you feel that could be added, please feel free to let me know!
If you still have questions about this, you can always reach me through Whatsapp (+324 56 56 67 74). Don’t hesitate to reach out to me, I really want to help you improve.